Photo of Aakash Dharmaraj

Aakash Dharmaraj

Tennis: Men's 4th Captain

Hi everyone, I'm Aakash and I'm running for M4 Captain this year.

I'm a second year undergraduate studying Materials Science, and I've played tennis for 15 years, including having 10 years of competitive experience for two successful tennis clubs in Liverpool and in LTA Junior Tournaments.

My tennis achievements:

  • U18 champion at my club in 2021 and 2022 in both singles and doubles
  • Played for the men's 2nd team for my club in the second division of the Liverpool & District League
  • Won an international tournament in summer 2023 at Pine Cliffs Resort in the Algarve, Portugal, qualifying for the Winners' Cup in 2024.

At Imperial:

  • Played for the LUSL team in my first year
  • Have a 100% record in BUCS matches, played 2 won 2 :)
  • Selected to represent RSM for Bottle Match 2024, winning singles as top seed

I have captained the LUSL (mixed) team this academic year, so I have a real insight into the responsibilities of a tennis captain. This year I have:

  • Organised and ran training sessions, incorporating drills and matchplay
  • Ensured everyone was included and everyone had the opportunity to represent ICLTC in league matches
  • Led the team to safety from relegation

Next year as M4 Captain I intend to:

  • Select a strong squad from trials to challenge for the division title
  • Keep training attendance high
  • Aim to move ICLTC as a club towards having training in the summer as well as autumn and winter
  • Continue my dedication and commitment to this tennis club!