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Honest Wong

Game Development: Secretary

I am Honest, a computing student with around 5-6 years of game development experience, mainly in web games. I joined a game jam with people from our society and mainly worked as a pixel artist and map maker.

This year, not many people joined our weekly meetup, and I was one of the few people that actively took part in our society. There were a lot of people that joined our society this year (I mean, who doesn't love some Venti badges. It takes a best boy to be the best waifu) but not much stayed. We were supposed to be making a game together, treating this society like a small game studio, working on a game throughout this year, but most people left after a few sessions due to various reasons.

I hope we can change that next year by hosting more events and getting more people interested in game development. Our college does not offer game development courses, but I believe that everyone that is interested should have a chance to collaborate with others and develop their dream games.