Photo of Shafi Maahe

Shafi Maahe

Game Development: Treasurer

As a Mechanical Engineering student with a unique set of leadership experience and skills through leading various demanding societies including Blockchain and QT Capital, I am extremely excited to get to work as the next treasurer of Game Development Society to bring the necessary resources required to truly allow all the society to flourish.

My vision for the society is focused entirely on giving all our members an aggressive edge over not only just securing the top tech roles but in developing the skills required to pioneer the next wave of gaming applications in this rapidly changing landscape driven by Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. The two things I would like to set into effect immediately would be:

  1. Start-up incubator in collaboration with Imperial Blockchain and Entrepreneurs alongside other top universities experimenting with state-of-the-art technologies
  2. Close collaboration with leading industrial firms to spin-off student projects and help commercialize them

I hope you also resonate with this vision to take an aggressive approach to 2024 and truly leverage the recent drive in technological growth as an Imperial student to create unprecedented value.