Photo of Stanly Chen

Stanly Chen

Game Development: President

Having had the privilege of serving as the President of the Imperial Game Development Society (IGDS) for the 2023-24 term, I would like to stand for reelection. I learnt a lot from last year, and is ready to apply them this year to make our society even better!

For those of you who are current members, you might recognize me as:

  • the person who keeps spamming our mailbox by the weekly newsletter
  • the consistent presence at Monday weekly meet up session
  • the coordinator on IGDS discord server who sends various game events and opportunities
  • the super skilled Unity developer guy
  • he designed our current IGDS logo!
  • ...

And for those of you who might not know me yet - well, consider this a proper introduction. :)

I am quite determined to work in the game industry in future. While Imperial does not really have a course for game development, thus people who are interested in games can't easily know each other, I want to make our society into the place. The place where people can discuss game designs they appreciate, find fellow developers that have skills, and froster a supportive community. Using our current connections, I want everyone who want to work in game industry can use our society to get the resource they want. Our society will be the game development course in Imperial :D

On that, thank you for reading through all my rambling, and I would appreciate your vote!