Photo of Rehan Baig

Rehan Baig

Live Music: Jazz Jam Manager

Hey LMS society! My name's Rehan and I would love to be your next jazz jam manager. Having lived in London my whole life and both attending and playing in jazz jam sessions throughout the city for years I feel like the natural choice to bring London's jazz scene to imperial and imperial to London's jazz scene. I have studied jazz across many instruments primarily guitar and keys and so would be able to lead sessions effectively and communicate clearly with the groups.

As jazz jam manager I would organise for musicians in universities across the UK to come and participate in sessions as well as arrange for groups of our students to perform in jam sessions across the city regularly. I want this experience to be as social as possible and to bring as many people into jazz as possible. As any musician will tell you - there's no feeling that beats a great jam session especially for newcomers to the game. I want as many people to experience this euphoric feeling as possible.

If that sounds like the kind of jazz scene you'd like to see at imperial, make sure to vote for Rehan as jazz jam manager!