Photo of Aishah Anjum

Aishah Anjum

Endocrinology: Publicity Officer

Hello! I’m Aishah and I'm applying for the role of publicity officer in Endocrinology society. As a medical student living with endocrine health conditions myself and having numerous family members with diabetes, I am passionate about spreading awareness for endocrinology.

Being affected by the under-researched condition PCOS, I took the initiative to volunteer with the charity Verity PCOS during my gap year. I created daily Instagram social media posts for September PCOS awareness month, utilising platforms like Canva to design engaging prompts to encourage individuals to share their experiences. With my background in art and receiving 100/100 marks in my GCSE art exam, I am confident in my ability to creatively and artistically design event posters and other promotional materials.

Furthermore, the skills of effective communication, organisation, leadership, and teamwork are invaluable for this role. I've developed these through my experience in working as a clinical research scientist, plus my current positions as representatives for both the Horizons Department and Spanish Languages. Here, I've chaired meetings, created and distributed feedback surveys to 300 students, and subsequently implemented programmatic changes by liaising with staff members. Lastly, I'm currently gaining beneficial knowledge of website management by learning how to use Wix.

If elected, I’ll aim to collaborate with external organisations (e.g. Verity PCOS) to raise awareness of certain disorders and enhance the society's visibility through visually appealing posts. Working closely with the committee, I'll ensure that publicity efforts are aligned with the society's objectives to boost participation in endocrinology-related activities.

Thank you!