Photo of Buchi Onyiuke

Buchi Onyiuke

Sports & Exercise Medicine: Co-chair

Hi, I'm Buchi and I'm a 4th year medical student. As a candidiate for co-chair of SEM, I bring forward a vision focused on inclusivity, collaboration, and hands-on learning experiences. My aim is to transform our society into a hub for students passionate about the intersection of health, sports, and wellness.


A key initiative will be to foster partnerships not only within our university's departments but also with other universities and professional bodies. These collaborations will expand our network, bringing diverse perspectives and opportunities to our members, and paving the way for joint events and research projects. I plan to organise a variety of engaging events, including trips to watch sports games, providing a unique learning experiences outside the classroom. Additionally, by inviting special guest speakers from various facets of sports and exercise medicine, we will offer our members direct insights into the industry, inspiring innovation and a deeper understanding of our field.

Commitment to Professional Development

Education and professional development will remain at the forefront of our society's mission. Through workshops, seminars, and practical sessions, we will equip our members with the skills and knowledge essential for their future careers. Internships and volunteer opportunities will be actively pursued, ensuring that our members gain valuable hands-on experience.


My vision for the SEM Society is one of growth, opportunity, and engagement. By working together, we can create a vibrant community that not only advances our professional interests but also promotes the health and well-being of those around us.