Photo of Sadhana Sainath

Sadhana Sainath

Gazette: Website and Blog Editor

Hi! I'm Sadhana, and I am running for Website and Blog editor of the ICSM Gazette!

It's been a privilege to have served as Website and Blog editor this year, where I redesigned and relaunched the website and Instagram, designed the BSc guide, and created the new logo to mark our incorporation into the ICSMSU.

I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the rest of the committee to strengthen the Gazette brand and gear it towards something that is relatable and representative of the student voice, and I'd love to be able to continue this.

I am particularly passionate about the production of the podcast, that we unfortunately did not have time to do this year. Before university, I listened to the old Gazette podcast and got a glimpse into medical school, and the views of students. Reviving the podcast will enable us to reach current students, but also prospective ones, who are curious about ICSM life. With the website now developed, we will have more time to focus on this.

I would also like to further develop the blog, as a platform to promote the uncensored student voice, acting as a more laid back platform to complement the more formal print edition.

As Website and Blog editor, I hope to help make the Gazette the perfect platform to connect to all students, whether past, present, or prospective! :)

Thank you!