Photo of Rachel Wong

Rachel Wong

Synthetic Biology: Treasurer

Esteemed members of the Synthetic Biology society, I am Rachel, a first year Molecular Bioengineering student running for the position of Treasurer. With a deep-rooted passion for synthetic biology, I am excited to further contribute to society in a leadership role. With a keen eye for financial management, I am committed to ensuring the society's fiscal sustainability and responsible stewardship of resources.

Previous experiences:

I have a strong background in finance and have previously served as the treasurer for several student organisations, including the Mathematics Club and the Science and Astronomy Club. In these roles, I have gained extensive experience in budgeting, financial reporting, and fundraising. I have also had the opportunity to work with various stakeholders, including university administrators, industry partners, and community members.

Aim & Vision:

My aim is to create a strong and stable financial foundation for the society, which will enable us to support cutting-edge research, education, and outreach initiatives that promote the advancement of synthetic biology. To achieve this vision, I will focus on:

  • Develop a comprehensive budget that allocates funds for various events and activities while also saving for future initiatives.
  • Work closely with the rest of the committee to find cost-effective solutions and partnerships for events and projects
  • Implement a rigorous financial reporting system, ensuring transparency and accountability in all financial matters
  • Maintain meticulous financial records and provide regular updates to members