Photo of Chen Fan

Chen Fan

Synthetic Biology: Chair

My name is Chen, a rising 3rd year MolBioEng student.

I am currently an Events Officer in SynBIC. This year I have thoroughly learnt how our society and committee works, and especially experienced the importance of society events to its members - if I were elected as Chair, I will ensure that suggestions and feedback from society members are heard, and work on them to provide enjoyable, valuable events. The main thing I was involved with this year was the FSRS conference that gathered over 30 young researchers to share their work. I intend to bring it back next year as an even bigger event - we can integrate careers fair, evening socials/dinner, various workshops, and collaborate with other societies and organisations.

I was an iGEM team leader, so not only do I have a strong commitment on Synthetic Biology, but also realises how crucial it is to have a sense of community in order to build friendships and networks. We can form a strong bond as a society, and I wish to foster this. I also tend to create more opportunities and enhance society finance by engaging with sponsors, which I believe I am capable of doing after spending a year as Patrons Officer in IC Orchestra.

With my past experiences, I am ready to take the role of Chair. I believe my passion, organisation and my constant will to improve will lead our society into another successful year. Thank you for voting for me!