Photo of Wen Lee

Wen Lee

Malaysian: Events Officer

Hi everyone!

I am Wen Wei, a first-year biochemistry student. As a fresher myself, I understand the challenges of balancing studies and social life while trying to settle into London. I have appreciated and enjoyed the events organized by ICUMS and the advice and guidance received from the seniors I have met in the society. Now, I wish to give back to the society by organizing even more exciting events for incoming freshers and existing members.

My Goals:

  • Bring in new events into the society by collaborating with other societies at Imperial and other london universities: Dance classes with the K-pop society or Dance society, yoga class with the Yoga society, London sports day with other MSocs and more.
  • Set up a document with a calendar containing events dates and event ideas, accessible to all committee members.
    • Enable better communication between committee members which allows better prioritisation and planning of events.
  • Send out regular polls and feedback forms to gather members' interest in events and to better improve future events through Instagram stories, WhatsApp polls and Microsoft Forms.

Past Experinces:

  • Events Junior Officer
    • Gained experiences and exposure to event planning and exceution through writing risk assessments and event proposals for events such as the theatre trip.
    • Able to ensure a smooth transition into the role.
  • Participation in Mnight
    • I am someone who is determined and an active member of ICUMS as seen by my heavy involvement in Mnight: Dikir Barat, Traditional Chinese, Indian/Bollywood, and Combined Dances.