Photo of Edric Tan

Edric Tan

Malaysian: Events Officer

Joining ICUMS was one of the best decisions I have made in Year 1. I am so glad that I have always been active in ICUMS events and MNight, met so many cool friends and created core memories for my university life.

Through my previous experiences in leadership roles in student councils for high school and college, I am confident in organising an event from planning to execution stage. As a junior events officer, I am able to gain insights to event-planning and committee roles which sparked my interest to run for committee and increase my involvement in the society. ICUMS always make me feel like home and I feel like the best way to appreciate the society and people is by serving as a committee member.

If I were elected as the next events officer, I would continue some existing events and incorporate new events to elevate members’ experience in ICUMS and help freshers transition into university life. Some existing events that I would continue are festival celebrations for Chinese New Year, Deepavali and Hari Raya, theatre and musical trips. New events that I would organise include fresher’s picnic, karaoke night and board game social. Also, definitely going to increase the frequency of London MSOCs social!

I am looking forward to the opportunity to serve as the next events officer and potential collaborations with other officers. Thank you for considering my candidacy!