Photo of Dillon Tan

Dillon Tan

Malaysian: External Liaison Officer

Hello everyone, I'm Dillon, currently pursuing Chemical Engineering.

As a candidate for External Liaison Officer, my driving force is to establish long-lasting connections with industry, sponsors, alumni, and students. I aim to cultivate a reputation where our society is continuously well-known for its students’ exceptional talent and potential, solidifying our value to sponsors. By showcasing the unique benefits of partnering with us, we can instil confidence in sponsors, ensuring they see good returns on their investment in ICUMS.

As External Liaison Officer, my general plans are to:

  • Improve communication of career/sponsor events.
  • Improve career focus and awareness by regularly informing members of career-related news and advice.
  • Increase participation in sponsor events and applications to sponsors’ programmes.
  • Diversify sponsors (engineering).
  • Work with CommSec to release social media content for career events and knowledge.
  • Maintain alumni connections via mentorship programs and alumni networking events/dinners.
  • Keep members well-informed and up-to-date on any career opportunities throughout the year.

As the president of Prototyping and Hacking Society and a former website designer, I learnt to coordinate with Imperial’s Advanced Hackspace to sponsor our workshops and communicate with a client to ensure their expectations are met. I will work tirelessly to leverage these abilities to:

  • Connect with new sponsors.
  • Strengthen connections with our existing sponsors, alumni, and students.

I am confident that my dedication, skills, and leadership make me a strong candidate for this position. If elected, I will lead with a commitment to fostering growth and collaboration within our society. Thank you for your consideration.