Photo of Saachi Jain

Saachi Jain

Women in SET: Sponsorship Manager

Hi, I’m Saachi, a first year Geophysics student and I would love to be IC WSET's Sponsorship Manager! After attending several society events, I am really excited to become part of the community organising these invaluable opportunities. I believe I am an excellent candidate because I am passionate about increasing female representation and accessibility to STEM fields by strengthening the society’s ties with companies and have lots of relevant past experience.

For example, through my online career talk series, I led panel discussions with diverse industry professionals, learning to build personal connections which I can now do with sponsors. Through various leadership roles, I also gained essential time and project management skills to apply while working towards the following goals:

  • I aim to maintain previous connections and build new strategic partnerships and sponsorships with companies that empower and inspire female leadership in STEM fields.
  • Develop sponsorships tailored to our members' aspirations through workshops and professional development opportunities
  • I want to engage with the alumni community to create more mentorship and networking opportunities betweens students and diverse companies
  • I would also like to create opportunities for society members to showcase their achievements in the STEM field through fairs, publications, or digital platforms
  • I would also like to engage with companies committed to increasing inclusion, building personal relationships and increasing opportunities for women in minorities to learn about other’s experiences with fostering diversity and inclusion in a professional environment

Thank you for reading my manifesto and I hope to have your vote!