Photo of Alex Li

Alex Li

Design Engineering: Treasurer

Hello everyone! My name is Alex Li and I am a 2nd Year student in Design Engineering. I’ve had an amazing time participating in events which DesSoc had organised for us. From the annual Curry Night to the annual Makeathon, each event has had a lasting impact, creating fond memories with friends.

Holding a position on a departmental society is a huge responsibility, and I understand the importance it holds. In the previous year, I was the treasurer of A Cappella Society, managing about 12,000 pounds within the account. In this position, I’ve learned how to use E-Activities platform thoroughly, enhancing my understanding of the union's policies.

I also have the right characteristics for this role. I am a punctual person, if you ask my friends (please don’t) I am never late to any meetings. As some of you may know, the union is very inefficient, and is quite frustrating to deal with. I’m quite a stubborn person, and will get event proposals and budgets approved in a timely manner. I’m also a communicative person, where working in a team is something which comes very easily to me. My proactiveness to complete my tasks means that I support my group and pull my weight. Finally, I’m a very friendly person! Come and chat if you see me around campus, and I’m always willing to talk about how finances work within the union and how the DesSoc finances are doing.

Thank you for reading my manifesto.