Photo of Samanta Sturina

Samanta Sturina

Netball (RSM): Secretary

Running for secretary is just step 1 in my infiltration of RSM. I can assure you I'll be present at every relevant meeting to get all the information required for an engineering takeover, and I guess also to update all you lovely people on all the things the union has decided we can’t do :( In all seriousness, I definitely want to prioritise having good communication with the members of our club, keeping them regularly updated with both newsletters and WhatsApp messages that I can only hope will live up to the legacy of Nell’s spectacular 2am emails. I hold the role of secretary for a coursework project, communicating between our lecturer and a hoard of rowdy ChemEngers so I have developed the organization skills required for this role, so being secretary for my favourite Netballers would be a pleasure and in fact an honor. I would be really excited to continue developing merch, the votes for joggers were almost as high as for the fleeces. It would also be good to see if people would be interested in other RSM netball accessories, I distinctly remember the promise of a beanie… It could also be snazzy to maybe develop RSM Netball water bottles or some kind of bag, either a tote bag or maybe even a duffle bag. Just think of the look on CSMs faces if we turned up to next bottle rocking matching RSM Netball bows, frankly I think they would probably just turn around and go home.