Photo of Aditi Pandiri

Aditi Pandiri

Obstetrics & Gynaecology: BSc Co-ordinator

Hi, I’m Aditi and I’d love to be ICOGS BSc coordinator next year!

My tutoring experience over the last 6 years (11+, KS3, GCSE, A-Level, CPA & OSCE) has truly helped me understand the importance of academic guidance. Many BSc students will be facing research and coursework for the first time - with my previous teaching background and academic volunteering in primary schools, I believe I have the skills and drive to help them.

To support the BSc students next year, I would like to:

  • continue ICA-specific tutorials and RDS buddy system. Olivier executed this with great success this year, and mentorship from previous RDS students really helped guide my efforts and build my confidence.
  • introduce certificates & feedback forms for mentors & mentees respectively to help increase mentor engagement and mentee satisfaction.
  • implement a Literature Review tutorial to help students navigate databases and literature screening in preparation for ICA4.
  • introduce a Scientific Poster tutorial for ICA5 - as the first academic year to experience this new coursework format, I will provide examples and reflect on our experiences to give coherent advice.
  • finally, compile a Repro BSc Scrapbook, including the current cohort’s favourite moments & one piece of advice they would give to the Repro BSc students next year!

As Social Rep this year, I worked with the Academic Reps closely to address any concerns our cohort had. I've loved Repro BSc so far, and I'm sure I can help the next cohort have a wonderful time too! <3