Photo of Maryam Sheikh

Maryam Sheikh

Obstetrics & Gynaecology: BSc Co-ordinator

Hi, I’m Maz and I’m running for BSc Co-ordinator! I am currently doing the Repro BSc and although it was steep learning curve , I have enjoyed this year immensely.

Our current BSc Co-ordinator, Olivier, has been incredible in supporting us this year, and I would love to follow in Olivier’s footsteps and provide the same for the next set of repro students. I will carry on the incredibly essential ICA-specific tutorials, along with the Repro-buddy system which worked great this year.

In addition, I would like to set up:

  • Regular meetings with the Repro Academic Reps to check in on how the year is doing and how I can best support them.
  • A comprehensive handbook that students can refer to throughout the year, with top tips from a variety of this year’s BSc students as well as FAQs that came up a lot this year.
  • Drop-in support sessions throughout the year, especially during Module 2 and 3 when there is a lot more independent work, including sessions on statistics, critiquing literature, and presentation skills!
  • A variety of Module 3 tutorials by former students who did different types of project (lab, clinical and data analysis) so students can get advice from someone who did a similar project.

The BSc year is completely different to anything we’ve done before in medical school, and this can make it daunting for a lot of people. I hope to be the friendly face helping ease any stress and uncertainty for next year’s Repro students!