Photo of Sheshpriya Gadiya

Sheshpriya Gadiya

Obstetrics & Gynaecology: Publicity Officer

Firstly, I will work closely with our Executive Committee to develop a comprehensive publicity plan for the year. This will include identifying key events and initiatives that we want to promote, as well as determining the most effective ways to reach our target audience. By working together, we can create a unified and consistent message that accurately reflects our society's values and goals.

Secondly, I will leverage social media and other digital platforms to create engaging and informative content that resonates with our members and the wider community. By using creative and visually appealing content, we can increase our social media following and reach a wider audience. I will also work to create regular email newsletters that highlight our events and initiatives and provide updates on our society's progress.

Furthermore, I will work to develop partnerships with other organizations and societies to increase our visibility and reach. By collaborating with other groups on joint initiatives, we can leverage each other's networks and resources to create a larger impact. I will also work to identify opportunities to showcase our society at relevant conferences and events.

In addition, I will work closely with our Sponsorship Officer to identify potential sponsors and partners for our events and initiatives. By securing financial support and resources from external organizations, we can create more impactful and successful events that benefit our members and the wider community.