Photo of Andrea Ize-Iyamu

Andrea Ize-Iyamu

Obstetrics & Gynaecology: Vice President

Hi, I’m Andrea, I’m a fourth year medic and I would love to be the vice president of O&G soc next year!

O&G is a unique and delicate specialty. The sense of fulfilment that accompanies the intricacies of this specialty makes it an exciting area to get into. As a current Repro BSc student, I can definitively say that my love for the specialty has only grown. As a result, I am committed to helping shape a society that will foster and help grow a passion for it in our members.

As vice president, I would ensure that the president feels well-supported in their role. Recognising the importance of teamwork when it comes to the success of any endeavour, I would also be a point-of-call for any committee member in need of advice or support for their role. As the current education officer, I have collaborated with the academic officers, as and when needed, to aid with planning tutorials. I feel this skill will translate well to the role of vice president.

As someone who is organised and diligent, I would take on the role of vice president with enthusiasm, liasing with the former vice president regarding the best manner with which to approach the role. My passion for this specialty and this society makes me the perfect candidate for this role.