Photo of Akshaya Muthirulandi

Akshaya Muthirulandi

Obstetrics & Gynaecology: Vice President

Hi everyone, I am Akshaya Muthirulandi and I am running to be your future vice president of ObGyn society.
Obstretics and Gynaecology has always been an interest of mine, following it being the perfect blend between medicine and surgery. To be helping people through one of the most memorable moments of their life is one of the upsides of ObGyn. I would love to honour this society by becoming the vice president! Furthermore, I was inspired by attending the ICOGs conference, and this I am applying to this position.
Having spent this previous year serving on subcommittee for Surgical Society, I have gained invaluable experience in being a part of the organising committee for the plastic surgery masterclass and helping recruiting mentors for the currently very popular mentorship scheme. This taught me the invaluable skill of networking with people, and I have successfully recruited people to the scheme – showing that I have demonstrated this skill. Additionally, this year, I was the Head of Culture for Imperial’s Tamil Society – which gave me invaluable organisation skills and time management and taught me how to deal with union demands with rooms, etc.

What I would like to do for the society:

- I would like to increase awareness for the society through increasing promotion to the instagram (through competitions etc)

- Having more events that cater all the year groups such as fresher's aimed events (introduction to ObGyn)

- Paring up with other societies such as paediatrics society and holding conferences together