Photo of Niharika Chokkapu

Niharika Chokkapu

Psychiatry: Events Officer

A society can really inspire students in developing or finding new interests. I would love to help with this as Events officer! An engaging programme of events and social media presence can really help entice people to join a society, which I appreciate is key in captivating an audience.

I would love to be involved in inspiring students to get involved with the society, in helping plan and execute fun yet informative events, empowering students to expand their passions. I believe I would be the ideal candidate for this role with my strong organisational, teamwork and management skills that I have developed previously (such as in educational, networking, publicity and treasurer roles). I also have experience in helping run and attend events, allowing me to understand what a successful and engaging event entails. Additionally, I aim to network with other societies, both at Imperial and beyond, to foster a collaborative, inclusive environment for our events and help them reach the most potential.

I am a transparent individual with strong communication skills. I think this is key in building a strong relationship with the committee members and therefore the society as a whole, which definitely projects to our events too. To conclude, I would love to be a part of the society’s team next year, and thank you for reading my manifesto! :)