Photo of Megs Grainger

Megs Grainger

Psychiatry: Secretary

Hi everyone!

I'm Megs, I have been this years Psych Soc publicity officer so if you keep up to date with instagram or see the Whatsapp messages floating around, that's me! I have loved being on committee so much this year with an amazing group of people so would love the opportunity to do so again! Secretary would be a great step up for me in the society and an ability to help out more. I want to engage with the role as much as possible to help everyone else in ensuring a smooth running committee! I have been on this committee for this year, as well as ICSM music for two, so I know how to time manage and communicate well around timing which I believe is the most important part of the role. I hope to enjoy another great year on ICSM Psych committee :)