Photo of Teesta Maulik

Teesta Maulik

General Practice (ICSM): Specialty Liasion & Head of Strategy

Hi! My name is Teesta and I’m a second-year medic. Having won the Inspire GP Celebrating Primary Care Award and done an LMAP Student Shapers Project, I am incredibly passionate about the newly named General Practice and Public Health Society. Having been Head of Strategy last year, I have already formed a professional rapport with the Undergraduate Primary Care Education team and I hope to improve on our previous work and increase awareness about our events.

My ideas are:

  • Contact GPs on social media with an unorthodox career involving branching out of medicine into consulting/MedTech/environmental/social justice/writing and arranging a ‘Battle of the specialist GPs’ event.
  • Arrange hands-on workshops on common GP procedures.
  • Create a survey for students to identify barriers to these specialities and search for speakers to comment on these topics.
  • A mentoring programme/research/volunteering programme for GP and PH

I am qualified because:

  • I have already hosted my event with a budget of £600 with the Faculty. I believe in using communal checklists, risk management with contingency plans, segmentation of tasks, constant communication, progress tracking using designated measures of success and efficient prioritisation.
  • A BTEC in teamwork has enabled me to work with different personality types empathetically and understand team dynamics.

Some of my past duties as Publicity Officer, Subcommittee Member and Core Committee Member for SORA, SurgSoc and ImmunoSoc respectively have equipped me with the key teamwork, communication and organisational skills to work with the team to make this society a bigger success this year!