Photo of Khushi Dakshini

Khushi Dakshini

Dermatology (ICSM): Publicity Officer

Hi everyone! I'm Khushi, a second year medic and I am running for the position of Publicity Officer.

I believe I have the skills and experience to be successful in the role. Previously on Hindu Society subcommittee, and Publicity Officer of our current committee, I am responsible for promoting every society event and update via all social media platforms. Not only has this enhanced my ability to work in a large team, but has also helped me develop great communication and organisation, as well as effective time management skills through planning posts, updates and messages in a prompt fashion. I would ensure to do the same in Dermatology Society next year - that all messages and posts are regularly updated on the relevant platforms.

I am also interested in the innovative aspects of the role, and am happy to create exciting announcements and posts to draw more members to our future events!

Thanks for reading my manifesto and I hope to secure your vote :)