Photo of Diya Datta

Diya Datta

Dermatology (ICSM): Secretary

Hey everyone, I'm Diya and I'm thrilled to apply for the position of Secretary within Dermatology Society!

With a deep passion and appreciation for the world of dermatology and skincare, I am eager to be a part of the advancement of the society's mission of advancing knowledge and interest in this vibrant field among our fellow medical students. Through first-hand observations of dermatology clinics and surgery on placement; I have come to appreciate the nuances, intricacies and dedication that come with the field.

In the role of Secretary, I am committed to bringing my dedication and organisational skills to the society. As an excellent team player, I will aid in smooth operations and effective communication among members. Furthermore, I am committed to prioritising initiatives that support budding researchers within the medical school with a platform to showcase their work, not only fostering collaboration among peers but also providing them with opportunities for potential mentorship.

If given the opportunity to be Secretary for Dermatology Society, I will aim to cultivate an environment where aspiring dermatologists are encouraged to thrive, by bringing to life enriching experiences that will both spark interest and provide valuable insights into future career pathways!