Photo of Marco Chan

Marco Chan

Dermatology (ICSM): Vice Chair

Research shows that a first impression is made within 7 seconds. What is the first thing you notice when you meet someone? Their Skin. My name is Marco, currently a second year medical student who is passionate about dermatology. From Psoriasis to Palmoplantar Pustulosis, as your vice chair I pledge to do everything in my ability to not only give you the knowledge to pass your exams but to satisfy your academic interest. May I please offer you the 3Ds:

  1. Diverse - One of the most important thing as Derm society is to have a range of activities, workshops and conferences for everyone. I would like to start a teaching series which is curriculum focused to help students ace their exam by learning high yield topics.
  2. Dedication - As the social secretary for ICSM Badminton and squash I am dedicated to host the best event for derm society, liasing with my colleagues, the faculty and external speakers I will make sure events runs as smoothly as possible and comminication channels are open.
  3. Different - Freebies! Don’t we all love some free skincare products. I am hopeful to get sponsorships from skin care companies to allow our members to indulge themselves in freebies whilst learning about the pharmacology behind them.

I believe with my experience and passion in dermatology, I will be able to take dermatology society to another level, not only empowering members with academic knowledge but also attracting others into the field in dermatology! I would really appreciate your vote. Thank you.