Photo of Fakyha Khan

Fakyha Khan

Dermatology (ICSM): Chair

Hi, I’m Fakyha and I am a second year medical student who is running to be your DermSoc Chair!

As outgoing Academic Officer, I have learnt so much about the way the society is run and have really grown to love dermatology as a speciality!

My main vision for the society is to work on the legacy that has been put in place by the current team. That would include a strong emphasis on cohesive inter-uni collaboration and communication. It was through this that we were able to hold the first ever student dermatology conference and is something I would work towards making an annual event.

Dermatology is an ever-evolving field and I would like to see talks reflect this even more. The topic of ‘skin of colour’ is such an important one and I believe should underpin every talk given the diversity of the patient demographic in the UK.

Academic tutorials and talks are an integral part of of our society's offering and I believe collaboration between societies could make them even more useful for students due to the shared expertise.

I also wish to strive to bring back sponsorships as this would enable us to work towards creating even better events.

Thank you for reading and I hope you’ll consider me as the next Chair :)