Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine: Treasurer


Katie Cox

Hello, I'm Katie! I'm currently a 4th year medic. I would love to get more involved with PHEM by being their treasurer! I have previous experience in the role of treasurer and would bring to the table my organization, dedication and enthusiasm. Beyond just dealing with the finances I'm interested in helping out with conferences, events and making the society a success. I hope you'll consider me for treasurer.

Wendy Ren

The opportunites provided by PHEM society have been completely unmatched and since attending PHEM essentials in second year, I have known that this passion-filled and surprisingly wholesome society is one that I absolutely must contribute towards and help carry on the legacy left by Benji the founding father. I would like to be your PHEM treasurer because this society has given me the chance to meet so many incredibl ...

Umama Ahmed

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Shneeza Gill

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Junior Mbah Mbahnjeck

Hello, My name is Junior and I am running for PHEMsoc treasurer. With extensive experience as Vice Chair of the Sports Sector, I am well-prepared to serve as Treasurer for Imperial PHEMsoc. My proficiency in budgeting and club finance management will ensure transparent and accountable financial practices within the society. I am dedicated to maximizing the value of our resources, prioritizing the efficient allocat ...