Photo of Wendy Ren

Wendy Ren

Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine: Treasurer

The opportunites provided by PHEM society have been completely unmatched and since attending PHEM essentials in second year, I have known that this passion-filled and surprisingly wholesome society is one that I absolutely must contribute towards and help carry on the legacy left by Benji the founding father. I would like to be your PHEM treasurer because this society has given me the chance to meet so many incredible people and helped me to find where my own interests lie within medicine, and I wish to provide that same environment for future members. I am a very reliable person who can be trusted to keep our funds in check and do my absolute best to secure funding. Having held roles both as treasurer and as co-president in other societies, I have experience in managing funds, budgeting, as well as successfully acquiring grants and sponsorships.

PHEM is truly a society that I am willing to dedicate my time and efforts towards and at the core of everything, it is a society that I care about.

Wendy :)