Acute Care Specialities : Secretary


Diya Datta

Hey everyone, I'm Diya! I'm thrilled to apply for the position of Secretary in Acute Care Society. With a deep appreciation and passion for the fields of Intensive Care, Anaethetics and Acute Medicine, I am eager to be a part of the advancement of the society's mission of fostering interest and promoting participation in these dynamic fields among our fellow medical students. As someone who has a lot of first-hand ...

Jeevan Kaur

Hi! I'm Jeevan, a fifth year medic with a keen interest in being involved the acute care specialty in the future. I'd love to be a part of the committee and get involved in the exciting events that they hold. As a secretary I would be eager to keep the communications clear within the team and society as well as keeping the ICSM chats up to date with the latest info regarding the society and events. I have experienc ...