Photo of Ayse Duru Canpolat

Ayse Duru Canpolat

Entrepreneurs: Vice Chair

Hi All!

My name is Duru, a second-year biochemistry student with a year in management. I am a passionate rower and climber, and like to talk about niche start-ups.

As the Vice Chair, I will:

  • Connect with other university entrepreneurs
  • Create a platform for young entrepreneurs to voice their ideas and generate funding, perhaps even take their first steps into their dreams with us
  • Form a safe and collaborative environment for entrepreneurs to connect and learn from each other. Entrepreneurship is a challenging and lonely, stressful path sometimes, and helping each other could only more ideas.
  • List out all the resources possible and seek out more sponsors, competitions, and events to help our members grow and find their path
  • Weekly pitch groups to learn how to pitch to investors, way of sales, and how to word your ideas properly so you can bring your dreams to reality
  • Keep an active, passionate, and guiding ecosystem for all to benefit
  • Support our chair and the rest of the committee to bring you the best version of our society.

Thank you for reading my manifesto! If you have any questions or just want to chat about anything regarding finance/entrepreneurship, feel free to contact me!