Photo of Yashita Saxena

Yashita Saxena

Indian: Creative Head

I can use Canva… really well!

Hi everyone! I’m Yashita, a first year Econ, Finance, Data Science student and I am running to be your Creative Head. Following my statement above, as Creative head I will:

  • Make engaging social media posts to involve as many people as possible in Indian Soc’s events.
  • Keep our members and followers up to date with upcoming events they should watch out for.
  • Work well under pressure and time constraints as I am aware there will be occasions where I will be facing tight deadlines.
  • Take onboard any advice from committee members and communicate my ideas clearly with the rest of the team.

With your vote…and my creative abilities ofc, I am confident that we can work together to host some of the biggest events Indian Soc has seen so far!