Photo of Timothy Chew

Timothy Chew

AnimeSoc: Vice-Chair

Hiii I'm Timothy a 2nd year physics student. The reason I'm running for this position is because I have spent waaay too much time watching anime and need something worthwhile from it T.T

Most of you probably aren't gonna read this but longer manifesto = better candidate so enjoy the next few paragraphs of chatgpt generated blindtext:):

My fellow anime enthusiasts, as a devoted member of our vibrant community, I stand before you with a heart brimming with passion and a desire to serve as your Vice President.

In the kaleidoscope of our shared love for anime, I see not just a hobby, but a tapestry woven with the threads of our individual stories and collective dreams.

With a genuine fondness for our quirky quirks and shared inside jokes, I offer myself as a candidate who understands the pulse of our society - the late-night binge-watching sessions, the spirited debates over character development, and the exhilaration of attending conventions in full cosplay regalia.

So, dear friends, if you can find it in your hearts to entrust me with this responsibility, I promise to bring a personal touch to our endeavors, infusing every meeting and event with a sense of warmth and camaraderie that is uniquely ours. Together, let us write the next chapter of our anime journey with laughter, friendship, and a shared love for all things otaku.