Photo of Jeffrey Cheung

Jeffrey Cheung

AnimeSoc: Vice-Chair

My name is Jeffrey, and I would like to apply for the Vice President role. I am first year undergraduate student taking Computing. Although being a fresher to the college, I am confident of having the adaptability to learn the rules to follow when organizing club events under the new environment. I would love to hold more activities to help people engage in this community of anime-lovers but also other related things that might interest people, such as songs and games. I have a huge passion for Japanese Anime culture and likes watching a lot of anime every season. I love to share my views on anime that I have watched. I also have a JLPT N2 qualification to prove that I am capable of comprehending Japanese, so feel free to ask me questions if you have any on the web. Furthermore, I am one of the trombonists in the Melon Band and am planning to join future shows to perform more music. It is worth noting that I organized similar events in the past, including movie watching, as the president of the Japanese Society in my sixth form college. I would like to use my previous knowledge and experience to help with organizing future events.