Photo of Rama Aowidah

Rama Aowidah

Society of Research and Academia: President

Hi everyone!

My name's Rama, I’m a third year medic and I’m running for president of SORA!

Research is an incredibly popular route amongst Imperial students but we all know the frustration that can come with finding opportunities and mentorship! I envision SORA as a supportive arm for all students whether that be in providing networking opportunties, improving research skills before they take on a project (at our Research Skills Academy) or in preparing for their SFP applications.

I’d like to continue the spectacular work of the current committee (big thank you to them and President Jasleen!) but also expand our event base via internal and external collaborations. I’ve been a committee member with Haemsoc, Clinical Genetics Society, Sexpression, etc but additionally, I'm a director for Student MedAid London, a Global health CIC, so I’d hope to be able to hold research talks and expand our contact base to include those involved in molecular biology, GUM, public health research and more!

Furthermore, I'm completing a UROP over the summer in AI-enhanced ECGs and would love to make the application and bursary process more accessible to medical students by hosting an information session with past UROP students.

In brief, I am someone who is passionate about making research as accessible as possible to all our students and would love to use my collective experience to ensure not just smooth running of the society but to make SORA the first port of call for those looking for research opportunities and aid!