Photo of Yeline Idir

Yeline Idir

Women in SET: IWD Officer

I previously held the role of Robogals Liaison within the society where, although I haven’t yet achieved much, I got to familiarize myself with the committee and its organization.

This experience has fueled my desire to engage more deeply and contribute more meaningfully, particularly in the role of IWD Officer.

I was and continue to be in awe of everything accomplished by the society in the past and its ever-growing potential and I couldn’t be more honored to be part of it!

The role of International Women's Day Event Officer requires not just a flair for event planning and execution but also a deep commitment to celebrating and amplifying the achievements of women in STEM. With my background in communication and a budding expertise in public relations, I'm eager to craft engaging events that not only honor the strides made by women but also inspire further progress.

My vision is to follow in my predecessor’s footsteps and create an event that resonates with our members and the wider community, highlighting the incredible contributions of women in sciences and beyond. By fostering an environment of support, recognition, and empowerment, I aim to contribute meaningfully to our society's celebration of International Women's Day.

I look forward to the chance to make a significant impact as your International Women's Day Officer!