Photo of Jiwoo Shin

Jiwoo Shin

Neuroscience: Publicity Officer

Hello everyone! My name is Jiwoo Shin and if any of you who attended this year’s MOTC art exhibition remember, I am the artist of the artwork with the astronaut and colourful neuron trees. (The background image of my photo!)

I enjoyed the IC Neuro Soc’s events very much this year so I am motivated to be a part of the society’s committee and ensure every new and continuing member of the society can gain meaningful experiences like I did. Being the founder of the Neuroscience Society and the leader of two other STEM societies in high school, I have extensive experience in leading academic events, building websites, and writing countless emails for reaching out to professors and submitting project proposals.

Through the organisation and communication skills I have gained through my leadership experiences, I will contribute to the IC Neuroscience Society as a publicity officer by:

  • Updating society’s social media and website with the secretary and checking if they are up to date at least once a week
  • Being in charge of designing appealing posters and social media banners for all society events
  • Seeking further collaboration with other Imperial societies and neuroscience societies from other colleges to increase the public presence of our society.

Thank you so much for your time reading my manifesto and I would greatly appreciate every single vote from anyone!