Photo of Raaga Devabaktuni

Raaga Devabaktuni

Neuroscience: Publicity Officer

Dear Members of the Neuroscience Community,

I am excited to present my manifesto for the position of Publicity Officer within our esteemed Neuroscience Society. As a candidate deeply passionate about neuroscience and effective communication, I am committed to enhancing the visibility and engagement of our society. If elected, I will implement a comprehensive publicity strategy that includes leveraging social media platforms, designing eye-catching promotional materials, and collaborating with various channels to share the incredible work and opportunities our society offers. Through regular updates, engaging content, and interactive campaigns, I aim to foster a vibrant online presence that reflects the dynamism of our field. Together, let us illuminate the wonders of neuroscience, reaching not only our current members but also inspiring a broader audience to join our intellectual journey.



Publicity Officer Candidate Neuroscience Society