Photo of Marta García Belza

Marta García Belza

Chemical Engineering: Vice Chair

Mmm, does the above photo look familiar to you? Well of course, I'm Marta, your current Industrial Relations (IR) Officer!

Do you remember me from the Welcome Fair at our stand, representing our society at the Climate Cafe, discussing sustainability matters & listening to your feedback at the Green Career’s Fair? And from our variety of interactive workshops and career events this year?

As you can see, I have been working really hard for our society in the past year, and will carry on to do so as your next Vice-Chair, aiming to continue working on the following:

  • Prioritising YOUR prospective career & preparation:
    • new and stronger sponsorships with more sustainable companies
    • greater emphasis on our alumni network
  • Sustainability focus approach - continue to ease the transition through regular communication with the Union
  • Expand and further subsidise our tours (FM, Brewery, ETH Zürich)
  • Make the boat party finally happen!
  • Subcommittee Programme: having lead and mentored it this year!

I’ll encourage you to contact me directly! Our busy schedules sometimes don't allow us to research internships, Spring Weeks, graduate opportunities… that’s why I am here! To help you in your quest to a successful career path during and after graduation (yes, we will graduate!).

Having worked hand-in-hand with the current Vice-Chair, receiving intense training and crucial experience, I know what our society needs & I know how to make it happen!

Thank you for your precious time & consideration - vote for Marta as ChemEngSoc's Vice-Chair for our best year yet to come!