Photo of Faduma Hussein

Faduma Hussein

Vision: Roadshow Chair

Hi, I’m Faduma :)

I’ve really enjoyed being part of the committee this year as Roadshow Officer, and I’d love to be the next Roadshow Chair. As Roadshow Officer, I have worked hard to coordinate logistics for our events and ensure they run smoothly. I've also helped other committee members prepare for our key events and volunteered when needed. This has given me the confidence to take on more leadership roles.

As someone who comes from an underrepresented background, I highly value the promotion of inclusivity and diversity in medicine. Participating in Vision's various initiatives this year, including Roadshow, has allowed me to give back and encourage ambitious aspiring medical students from similar backgrounds to myself. This has been an incredibly rewarding experience.

I hope to continue contributing to Vision next year by implementing new ideas and collaborating with others to make our events even more successful.

I believe that my previous experiences, as well as my enthusiasm and commitment to Vision's objectives, make me a good candidate for this role.

Thank you for reading my manifesto!