Photo of Anusha Manikandan

Anusha Manikandan

Vision: Junior Conference Chair

Hi everyone,

I'm Anusha, and I would love to be Junior Conference Chair for ICSM Vision!

I'm very passionate about encouraging and supporting students from all backgrounds to consider a career in Medicine, and ICSM Vision is the perfect society that lets me do that! As someone who would have greatly benefited from outreach programmes, I am dedicated to giving current students that opportunity to learn more about the career and to be inspired by a diverse range of medical professionals, all of which ICSM Vision does.

I have been a volunteer for all Vision events this year, and it has been so rewarding to be able to use my experiences and thoughts to guide and help others, and the feelings of gratitude the students give you at the end of the day is unparalleled, it leaves me with a desire to want to volunteer more and give others the help I wish I had recieved. My favourite event of the year by far has been the Junior Conference, and volunteering for the workshops as well as answering each and every student's questions has only furthered my passion for encouraging others to follow the same career path as me, especially at Imperial! I want to follow in the commitee's footsteps and help be a driving force in organising the best event of the year, one that exists for the students, and to take on a leading role in nurturing and developing young future doctor's minds.