Photo of Kyla Wong

Kyla Wong

Singapore: Major Event Officer

Hi! I’m Kyla and I’m running for Major Event Officer:)

I was in ME dance and I genuinely looked forward to every rehearsal. I would love to make the next ME just as enjoyable.

There are 2 main things I want ME to be:

  1. A safe space for people to try out new things without having to worry about being judged. Just like how nobody ever made me feel bad for not being able to do the simplest dance moves.
  2. A fun memory for everyone. When my batch looks back at ME, I don’t think the actual show day will be the first thing that comes to mind. It’ll be the nights spent staying back in school, the dinners we had together before every rehearsal and the train rides back home where we would be public nuisances either singing the songs or doing the dance moves.

I must confess that I’m not the most musically talented. But I don’t think that makes me any less qualified to be MEO because ME was never meant to be a one-person project. It has always been a team effort and I promise to work with and seek advice from the many talented members of ICSS to create a show that we can all be proud of.

For those who don’t know me, I’m the kind of person who gives her all to anything she sets her mind to. And you can bet on the fact that I will give my 100% to ME.