Photo of Ethan Porritt

Ethan Porritt

Neuroscience: Co-President

Neuro Society is the most welcoming society in all of Imperial, bringing together both medicine and biomed under a combined interest of Neuroscience. Our society includes the most enthusiastic members of our university. In the coming year, I would love to help advance this society, implementing innovative events while bringing an enthusiasm to the role.

My name is Ethan and I have been heavily involved with the society for the past year reaching out to numerous members in the neuroscience world, attempting to organise research and volunteering events for the society.

Outside of the society, I have involved myself in the Neuroanatomy Collaboration – lecture series collaboration between medical schools – helping in the execution of the series, exposing me to event ideas in the future

Additionally, I involved myself in Imperial Brain and Spine research, becoming used to the process of research, giving me a better understanding of how to set up great opportunities for the society.

Should I become president, next year I would love to introduce new society wide events for people to attend, such as lecture series, socials, tutorial opportunities for younger years, connections to research and volunteering opportunities.

Overall, I would be very grateful for the opportunity to be president of this society and work with all our members to foster an inviting and innovative environment, introducing new events and experiences for everyone to enjoy.

Once again I would be honoured to receive your vote and I hope to see you next year!