Photo of Andrew Luk

Andrew Luk

Ophthalmology: Chair

Hello, my name is Andrew and I'm delighted to announce my candidacy for Ophthalmology Society Chair. This year, serving as the society's sponsorship officer, I've gained a profound understanding of its operations and the immense value it brings to our students. I am eager to continue supporting the society in a leadership role.

My background as President of a local charity and involvement in academic societies like AMSA has equipped me with essential leadership qualities: efficient communication, adaptability, and effective decision-making. More importantly, I recognise the critical need for a clear vision and a strategic plan to propel our society forward. With this in mind, I am committed to building on the existing foundations and taking a more active approach through these focused intiatives:

  1. Reviving the Ophthalmology Conference: Our flagship event provides a unique platform for students at Imperial and beyond to explore the specialty and nurture their interests. This will include interactive surgical workshops and talks by renowned professionals, enriching the learning experience for attendees.
  2. Increasing Event Frequency: By organising regular tutorials, networking sessions, and social events, we can ensure sustained engagement throughout the academic year and foster a stronger sense of community among our members.

  3. Establishing a Professional Network: Building connections with seasoned medical professionals is paramount for effective planning and garnering invaluable insights to enhance the quality of events.

  4. Collaborating with Other Societies: Forming strategic alliances with established ophthalmology societies and other pertinent societies within Imperial will amplify our society's reach and promote interdisciplinary collaboration among members.