Photo of Pablo Egerique GC

Pablo Egerique GC

Chamber Choir: Secretary

To the best choral singers,

I am running to be your secretary next year. I have been a part of ICCC for two years and I can say that, undoubtedly, it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I have also been part of the committee for my entire time in choir (yeah, maybe should have thought that through) which really does show you my commitment to the group. Together with Liv as chair and Patrick, we look to keep the choir running smoothly and making it as fun as possible while singing amazing music. We aim to organise concerts in new churches with exciting rep, as well as try to collaborate with other societies and potentially professional groups! You will also still have the ICCC calendar together with the weekly emails with all the important info and….. EARLY merch (with some new aditions!!).

So, if this is not appealing yet, why should you vote for me? Having been an active part of committee for two years now, I know how the society runs; I am a very organised person (some people may say a bit too much) and, more importantly, am willing to give my all to the group. Also, I have been tour sec so I honestly believe there is nothing I cannot handle.

Overall, I want to give the choir back all that it has given me in these two years and help make everyone's experience as an ICCC member unique.