Photo of Osazuware Eribo

Osazuware Eribo

African Caribbean: Welfare Officer

Hi, my name is Osa and I am running for ACS Welfare Officer.

To me, welfare is all about health, happiness and promoting the wellbeing of yourself and others. As welfare officer, I will create a space where this is possible.

One of my roles will be to put together the ACS family system for the year, in which students from various years will be in families based on their course. To improve on this system, I would also like to do family events across the society, so you are not only limited to those who do your own course. I will do checks throughout the term to ensure families are meeting up. It provides the opportunity for all students to have peers to relate with and to create a sense of community and collaboration.

I will work closely with the events team to ensure there are a range of events to facilitate the well-being of individuals within our society and make sure this information is relayed to you whether it be via our social media platforms or the weekly newsletter.

My ideas for events:

  • Organise wellness workshops and seminars
    • Inviting professional to speak; provide resources for students in managing mental health, stress and well-being while being a student.
  • Organise events in line with Calendar weeks and events e.g. Mental Health Awareness Week
  • Organise events to keep everyone’s spirits up throughout the term e.g. exam season
  • Social events e.g. Movie nights