Photo of Fatima Sajid

Fatima Sajid

Pole & Aerial: Aerial Officer

Hi pole and aerial besties, my dear lovelies

I'm Fatima and I'm running to represent you as your aerial officer again this year (with a manifesto and a picture on time to boot!). I stepped into the role at the beginning of the year and have slowly been getting to grips with all the tasks! This puts me in a good place to conitnue learning the role to do an even better job for you next year!

We've done incredible things as a society regarding aerial such as the IUAHC and performing aerial in the IDEA showcase, I want to keep the momentum created by these events going and will look for more aerial opportunities :) This year, I want to be even more involved in the incredibly encouraging and kind community I found here and to give back what I received, with a little aerial magic thrown in ;')

I want to help implement any ideas you have, as well as creating more stages to showcase your talent no matter your skill level and to give you that boost in confidence (I'm a fantastic 'whoo!'-er when you need it!).

Thank you for reading my manifesto and I can't wait to meet you in classes or socials with or without the role!

Fatima xo