Photo of Hetvi Jethwani

Hetvi Jethwani

IQ (Imperial College LGBT+): Postgraduate Officer

Why I Want to Be Postgrad Officer: I'm interested in creating space for more active postgrad representation in IQ [e.g. through postgrad specific events like panels focusing on the postgrad experience, collaborations with bodies like i600 or the LGBTQ+ network, and also through providing spaces that foster interaction between postgraduates and undergraduate students]. Queer postgrads face unique challenges and have unique experiences navigating academia/industry/both as a queer person - but there's a lot to learn from these experiences and IQ can act as a space for conversation, mentorship and support around these aspects.

About Me: I'm Hetvi, an international student at Imperial. I'm a 2nd year PhD student, I'm non-binary, aspec, and a person of color. I've been actively involved in activism and organizing for the queer community since 2018*- I'm a core organizer at Queer in AI (where I've organized workshops at international conferences and helped out with scholarships) and I've previously served as a core member of Indradhanu, IIT Delhi's queer collective, (where I was involved in successfully advocating for getting gender neutral washrooms on campus, and organized diverse social events to foster a vibrant, supportive community).

*not counting my tumblr era👀