Photo of Devni Peramunugamage

Devni Peramunugamage

IQ (Imperial College LGBT+): Welfare Officer

My name's Devni and I’d be honoured to be your Welfare Officer next year! Hopefully, lots of you know me from IQ events, of which I’ve been a regular organiser and attendee as IQ President this year, and Union LGBTQ+ Officer last year. It's been such a wild fun ride, and my favourite part by far, has been all the beautiful people I’ve met and the wonderful conversations I’ve had❤️. It makes me so happy to know that I’ve become somebody a lot of people have felt comfortable to approach when it comes to welfare concerns. Be that a tiff with friends, academic stress, family troubles – I’m always happy to have a chat, and though I’m no professional, as Welfare Officer I’d be in a position to better signpost people to more professional help, should they need it. As well as continuing to help generally with organising IQ events, next year I’d love to put on more events and initiatives directly related to welfare. I love and care about you guys so much, and I promise to put my absolute all into this role : )))